
Hyperspectral Dimension Reduction

  • Band Selection and Dimension Estimation for Hyperspectral Imagery—a New Approach Based on Invasive Weed Optimization

P. Pahlavani, M. Hasanlou and S. Talebi Nahr

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2017



  • Utilizing Intrinsic Dimension Estimation Methods using RADAR imagery, high resolution satellite imagery, and LIDAR data for extracting specific urban features

P. Pahlavani and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Sepehr, 2016



  • SVM-based hyperspectral image classification using intrinsic dimension

M. Hasanlou, F. Samadzadegan and S. Homayouni

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015



  • Comparative study of intrinsic dimensionality estimation and dimension reduction techniques on hyperspectral images using K-NN classifier

M. Hasanlou and F. Samadzadegan

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2012



  • Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimation in Hyperspectral Images

M. Hasanlou and F. Samadzadegan

Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 2014



Targect and Object Detection Algorithms

  • EMYNet-BDD: EfficientViTB Meets Yolov8 in the Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Building Damage Detection using Post-event Remote Sensing Images

M. Gomroki, M. Hasanlou, J. Chanussot and D. Hong

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024




  • A novel deep Siamese framework for burned area mapping Leveraging mixture of experts

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, and J. Chanussot

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2024



  • Unsupervised building change detection in VHR images using improved PCA-KMeans algorithm

N. Soheili, M. Hasanlou, and M. Gomroki

Earth Observation and Geomatics Engineering, 2023



  • Automatic 3D Multiple Building Change Detection Model based on Encoder-Decoder Network using Highly Unbalanced Remote Sensing Datasetss

M. Gomroki, M. Hasanlou, and J. Chanussot

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2023




  • Leveraging Involution and Convolution in an Explainable Building Damage Detection Framework

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, J. Chanussot, and P. Ghamisi

European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023



  • BDD-Net+: A Building Damage Detection Framework Based on Modified Coat-Net

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, J. Chanussot, and P. Ghamisi

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2023




  • STCD-EffV2T Unet: Semi Transfer Learning EfficientNetV2 T-Unet Network for Urban/Land Cover Change Detection Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images

M. Gomroki, M. Hasanlou, and P. Reinartz

Remote Sensing, 2023



  • Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Flood Susceptibility Mapping

S.T. Seydi, Y. Kanani, M. Hasanlou, R. Sahraei, J. Chanussot, and M. Amani

Remote Sensing, 2023



  • Automatic mapping of burned areas using Landsat 8 time-series images  in Google Earth Engine: a case study from Iran

H. Gholamrezaie, M. Hasanlou, M. Amani, and S. M. Mirmazloumi

Remote Sensing, 2022



  • Burnt-Net: Wildfire BurnedArea Mapping with Single Post-Fire Sentinel-2 Data and DeepLearning Morphological Neural Network

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, and J. Chanussot

Ecological Indicators Journal, 2022



  • A Quadratic Morphological DeepNeuralNetwork Fusing Radar and Optical Data for the Mapping of Burned Areas

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, and J. Chanussot

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022


  • DSMNN-Net: A Deep Siamese Morphological Neural Network Model for Burned Area Mapping Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 and Hyperspectral PRISMA Images

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, and J. Chanussot

Remote Sensing, 2021


  • Oil Spill Detection Based on Multi-Scale Multi-Dimensional Residual CNN for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery

S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, M. Amani, and W. Huang

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021



  • Earthquake Damage Region Detection by Multi-Temporal Coherence Map Analysis of Radar and Multispectral Imagery

M. Hasanlou, R.Shah-Hosseini, S.T. Seydi, S. Karimzadeh, and M. Matsuoka

Remote Sensing, 2021



  • Improving hyperspectral sub-pixel target detection in multiple target signatures using a revised replacement signal model

M. Khoshboresh-Masouleh and M. Hasanlou

European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020




Change Detection Algorithms

  • TCD-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Fully Polarimetric Change Detection Using Transfer Learning

R. Habibollahi, T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou and M. Mahdianpari

Remote Sensing, 2022



  • A New Structure for Binary and Multiple Hyperspectral Change Detection Based on Spectral Unmixing and Convolutional Neural Network

T. Seydi and M. Hasanlou

Measurement, 2021



  • A systematic review of Landsat data for change detection applications: 50 years of monitoring the Earth

M.A. Hemati, M. Hasanlou, M. Mahdianpari , and F. Mohammadimanesh

Remote Sensing, 2021



  • New Framework for Hyperspectral Change Detection Based on Multi-Level Spectral Unmixing

T. Seydi, R. Shah-Hoseini and M. Hasanlou

Applied Geomatics, 2021



  • Use of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery for Monitoring Waterbodies and Wetlands

M. Hasanlou and S.T. Seydi

Southern Iraq's Marshes, 2021


Link Springer


  • Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery within GEE and a novel automatic workflow for land cover classification using migrated training samples

A. Ghorbanian, M. Kakooei, M. Amani, S. Mahdavi, A. Mohammadzadeh, and M. Hasanlou

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020


Related Dataset (source 1)

Related Dataset (source 2)


  • A New End-to-End Multi-Dimensional CNN Framework for Land Cover/Land Use Change Detection in Multi-Source Remote Sensing Datasets

T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou and M. Amani

Remote Sensing, 2020



  • An Unsupervised Binary and Multiple Change Detection Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Spectral Unmixing

H. Jafarzadeh and M. Hasanlou

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019



  • A Sub-pixel Multiple Change Detection Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery

M. Hasanlou, S. T. Seydi and R. Shah-Hoseini

Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019



  • Change Detection Using Distance-Based Algorithms between Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetric Decompositions

A. Najafi, M. Hasanlou and V. Akbari

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019



  • Hyperspectral Change Detection: An Experimental Comparative Study

M. Hasanlou and S. T. Seydi

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018


Hyperspectral Change Datasets (USA and China )


  • Land Cover Changes Detection in Polarimetric SAR Data Using Direct, Similarity and Distance Based Methods

A. Najafi, M. Hasanlou and V. Akbari

SMPR 2017, 2017



  • Automatic Change Detection in Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imagery (Case study: Wetlands and Waterbodies)

M. Hasanlou and S. T. Seydi

Earth Observation and Geospatial Engineering, 2018



  • Improving Land Cover Change Detection using Kernel Spectral Angle Mapper Approach in Hyperspectral Images

M. Hasanlou, S. T. Seydi and A. Seydi

Journal of Geospatial Information Technology, 2018




  • A new land cover similarity based change detection for Hyperspectral imagery

T. Seydi and M. Hasanlou

European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017




  • Fusion of Similarity and Distance based Methods for Land cover Change Detection using Hyperspectral Imagery

T. Seydi and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 2017



  • Novel Wetland and Water Body Change Detection Using Multi Temporal Hyperspectral Imagery

M. Hasanlou and S. T. Seydi

International Water Conference 2016 (IWC2016), 2016.



  • Land Cover Change Detection Based on Genetically Feature Selection and Image Algebra Using Hyperion Hyperspectral Imagery

M. Hasanlou and S. T. Seydi

SMPR 2015, 2015





  • Sensitivity Analysis of Pansharpening in Hyperspectral Change Detection

M. Hasanlou and S. T. Seydi

Applied Geomatics, 2018



  • Quality assessment of pan-sharpening methods in high-resolution satellite images using radiometric and geometric index

M. Hasanlou and M. R. Saradjian

Arabian Journal of Geoscience, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 45, Jan. 2016




  • Comparative Study on Performance of Pan-Sharpening Methods on Worldview-2 Image

M. Hasanlou, F. Samadzadegan and M. R. Saradjian

2011 Digital Globe - IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest.





Ocean  and Waterbody Remote Sensing

  • Monitoring and Estimating Coastal Upwelling Using Sentinel-3 Satellite Imagery (Case Study: The Caspian Sea)

F. Ghorbani Afzal, M. Hasanlou, and S. Rajabi-Kiasari

Continental Shelf Research, 2023



  • Iranian wetland inventory map at a spatial resolution of 10 m using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data on the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform

M.A. Hemati, M. Hasanlou, M. Mahdianpari and F. Mohammadimanesh

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2023



  • An efficient model for the prediction of SMAP sea surface salinity using machine learning approaches in the Persian Gulf

S. Rajabi-Kiasari and M. Hasanlou

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020



  • Investigating Effects of Seafloor Topography on Sea Surface Currents in the Caspian Sea and Northern Indian Ocean

E. Ghalenoei, M. Hasanlou and MA. Sharifi

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2018



  • Monitoring of sea surface currents by using sea surface temperature and satellite altimetry data in the Caspian Sea

E. Ghalenoei and M. Hasanlou

Earth Observation and Geospatial Engineering, 2017



  • Spatiotemporal monitoring of upwelled water motions using optical flow method in the Eastern Coasts of Caspian Sea

E. Ghalenoei, M. Hasanlou, MA Sharifi, S. Vignudelli and I. Foroughi

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2017




Urban Remote Sensing

  • Quantifying Urban Air Quality through Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Google Earth Engine

F. Zamiri-Aghdam, M. Hasanlou and M. Dehghanijabbarlou

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2024



  • Integration of genetic algorithm and multiple kernel support vector regression for modeling urban growth

H. Shafizadeh-Moghadam, A. Tayyebi, M. Ahmadlou, MR Delavar and M. Hasanlou

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2017



  • Feature selection of various land cover indices for monitoring Surface Heat Island in Tehran city using Landsat 8 imagery

N. Mostofi and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 2017



  • Object Extraction from the WorldView-3 Sattelite Imagery Using Adaboost Algorithm with Haar-Like Features

M. Hasanlou and SH. Ahmadi Salianeh

Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 2017



  • Feasibility Study of Detection Specific Urban Features Using High Spectral Resolution Satellite Imagery, LIDAR Data, and Fully Polarimetric RADAR Imagery

M. Hasanlou, P. Pahlavani, H. Amini and S. Talebi Nahr

Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 2016




Forest, Soil and Vegetation Remote Sensing

  • Exploring the Potential of PRISMA Satellite Hyperspectral Image for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon in Marvdasht Region, Southern Iran

M. Golkar Amoli, M. Hasanlou, R. Taghizadeh Mehrjardi and F. Samadzadegan

Remote Sensing, 2024



  • A Convolutional Neural Network Method for Rice Mapping Using Time-Series of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery

M. Saadat, S.T. Seydi, M. Hasanlou, and S. Homayouni

Remote Sensing, 2022



  • Validation of Non-Linear Split Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Estimation Using Sentinel-3 Satellite Imagery: Case Study; Tehran Province, Iran

A. Zarei, S. Ranjbar, R. Shah-Hoseini and M. Hasanlou

Advances in Space Research, 2021



  • Developing Geographic Weighted Regression (GWR) Technique for Monitoring Soil Salinity using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery

M. M. Taghadosi and M. Hasanlou

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021



  • Mapping Oak decline through long-term analysis of time series of satellite images in the forests of Malekshahi, Iran

S. Imanyfar, M. Hasanlou and V. MirzaeiZadeh

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019



  • Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta

P. V. Hoa, N. V. Giang, N. A. Binh, L. V. H. Hai, T. Pham, M. Hasanlou, D. T. Bui

Remote Sensing, 2019



  • Retrieval of Soil salinity from Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery

M. M. Taghadosi, M. Hasanlou and K. Eftekhari

European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019



  • Dielectric Constant Assessment and Monitoring of Backscattering Radar Data in Saline Soil Using Semi-Empirical Models

M. M. Taghadosi and M. Hasanlou

Geospatial Engineering Journal, 2019



  • Soil Salinity Mapping Using Dual-Polarized SAR Sentinel-1 Imagery

M. M. Taghadosi, M. Hasanlou and K. Eftekhari

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018



  • Urmia Lake Salinity Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Landsat-8 Imagery

M. Hasanlou, M. Jamshidi, and M.T. Sattari

Hydrogeomorphology, 2018



  • Effect of different SRFs on time series of spectral indices, between sentinel-2 and other sensors for the purpose of vegetation land cover monitoring

S. Imanyfar and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Geospatial Information Technology, 2017



  • Remote sensing analysis of the extent and severity of oak decline in Malekshahi city, Ilam, Iran

S. Imanyfar and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Geospatial Information Technology, 2017



  • Determining Effective Factors on Forest Fire Using the Compound of Geographically Weighted Regression and Genetic Algorithm, a Case Study: Golestan, Iran

A. Raei, P. Pahlavani and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Geospatial Information Technology, 2016



SAR Polarimetry Remote Sensing

  • Soil moisture retrieval improvement over agricultural fields by adding entropy?alpha dual-polarimetric decomposition features

Z. Akhavan, M. Hasanlou, M. Hosseini, and I. Becker-Reshef

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2021



  • Machine learning inversion approach for soil parameters estimation over vegetated agricultural areas using a combination of WCM and CIEM

S. Ranjbar, A. Zarei, M. Hasanlou, M. Akhoondzadeh, J. Amini, and M. Amani

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2021



  • Decomposition Based Soil Moisture Estimation Using UAVSAR Fully Polarimetric Images

Z. Akhavan, M. Hasanlou, M. Hosseini, and H. McNairn

Agronomy, 2021



  • Using scattering decomposition to improve the estimation of the topography-induced polarization orientation angle

M. Jafari, H. Arefi and M. Hasanlou

Remote Sensing Letters, 2019



  • SRTM DEM enhancement using a single set of PolSAR data based on the polarimetry-clinometry model

M. Jafari, M. Hasanlou and H. Arefi

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019



  • Soil Moisture Linear Modeling by Using Decomposition and Selection of Fully Polarized SAR Features

E. Khedri and M. Hasanlou

Journal of Geospatial Information Technology, 2018



  • Classifying UAVSAR PolSAR imagery using target decomposition features

G. Alijani, M. Hasanlou and Z. Azizi

Proceedings of 2nd International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing, 2018


  • Estimating soil moisture using PolSAR data: a machine learning approach

E. Khedri, M. Hasanlou and A. Tabatabaeenejad

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 2017


  • Semi-analytical soil moisture retrieval using PolSAR imageryg approach

E. Khedri, M. Hasanlou and A. Tabatabaeenejad

2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017
